In every year, all schools have to review their educational programs. It is a good idea to learn how to conduct the review from the best school such as Harvard Business School (HBS). In 2017, the HBS performs self-examination and assessment of the progress of the school 's mission (By three different governance groups including the visiting committees, the Board of Dean's Advisors, and a recreation team from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)) through Five I strategic priorities (Innovation in educational programs, fostering the Intellectual ambition of our faculty, International, create a culture of Inclusion, and seek opportunities for Integration within HBS and with Harvard University). To review the school's educational programs and activities, the HBS conducts small session with the faculty, in conversation with alumni, and via a range forums with staff. The important questions that are raised with the faculty and Alumni, and staff are as follows:
1) Where do we feel confident we are on the right path?
2) What effects having less than their intended impact?
3) What trends are we seeing in business, and are we responding appropriately to them?
4) What should we doing less, or more more of?
5) Are there important activities we have neglected or new initiatives we must consider?
6) What is distinctive about school, and how do we preserve it?
Source: From Dean Nohria, Jan 2017, Harvard Business School
1) Where do we feel confident we are on the right path?
2) What effects having less than their intended impact?
3) What trends are we seeing in business, and are we responding appropriately to them?
4) What should we doing less, or more more of?
5) Are there important activities we have neglected or new initiatives we must consider?
6) What is distinctive about school, and how do we preserve it?
Source: From Dean Nohria, Jan 2017, Harvard Business School